Unleashing Health in the Workplace: Small Changes, Big Results with David Medansky

In this episode of the Training Unleashed Podcast, host Evan Hackel welcomes David Medansky, known as “The Health Guy,” to discuss how small, positive changes can lead to significant health improvements and enhance productivity in the workplace. David shares his expertise on helping employees adopt healthier habits, which in turn benefits both the individuals and the companies they work for. The conversation covers practical tips for staying hydrated, the benefits of reducing soda consumption, and the importance of creating an empowering and encouraging environment for health challenges.

Key Takeaways:

The Importance of Small Positive Changes:

  • David emphasizes that making small, manageable changes can lead to substantial health improvements over time.
  • Encouraging employees to participate in health challenges can foster a culture of wellness and productivity in the workplace.

Ideal Client Profile:

  • David’s favorite clients are companies with 50 to 300 employees, with a sweet spot of 50 to 100 employees.
  • Successful health challenges typically involve at least 60-70% employee participation.

Creating a Positive Environment:

  • Challenges should be empowering and encouraging, rather than demanding or demeaning, to motivate employees to participate willingly.
  • When employees start seeing results from their efforts, they build momentum and are more likely to continue their healthy habits.

Special Offer:

David offers a PDF of the “9 Simple Golden Rules for Living a Healthy Life,” which listeners can request by emailing him.

About Our Guest

Top-selling author and speaker, David Medansky, is known as The Health Guy because he empowers CEOs, Executives, and individuals to master 9 Simple Golden Rules to Live a Healthy Life. David struggled with his own weight issues until July 2016 when his doctor told him to either lose weight or find a new doctor. During the next four months, David shed 50 pounds, almost 25 percent of his total body weight and has kept it off. He understands your frustrations and challenges to be healthy.

David, in June 2022, at age 67 hiked up Mt. Kilimanjaro.

His mission is to help others to adopt a healthier lifestyle so they can enjoy life to the fullest. The key to his success is alerting clients to the deceptive marketing tactics used by the food, pharmaceutical, and weight-loss industries, to manipulate you into purchasing their products and services that put their profits over your health.

Now, in addition to writing books about health, David is producing and hosting JADED HEALTH, a streaming TV series centered around the topics of health, wellness, and fitness.

How to Connect with David Medansky:
Additional Media:

2024-07-24T11:32:10-04:00July 24, 2024|

The Symphony of Choices in Business and Life with Gerald Leonard

Welcome to another captivating edition of Training Unleashed. We extend our gratitude to our sponsors, C-suite TV and C-suite Radio, as without them, this show wouldn’t be possible. Today, we’re thrilled to have an extraordinary guest, Gerald Leonard, the CEO of Turnberry Premier. He’s not just your typical CEO; he’s a musician with a fascinating story that intertwines the world of music with the realm of business.

What Does Music Have to Do with Business?

Evan poses a question that sets the tone for the discussion: “Gerald, what does music have to do with business?” Gerald responds with a profound connection between his musical journey, starting at the age of ten, and the valuable lessons he’s applied throughout his career.

“As a musician, you have to practice to get better,” Gerald explains. “You have to practice to learn your instrument and master that skill.” Drawing parallels to the business world, he emphasizes the importance of CEOs focusing on and mastering the essential skills required for their roles.

The Art of Learning and Seeking Guidance

Reflecting on his early years, Gerald shares a pivotal lesson from his childhood. Recognizing his limitations and the need for guidance, he hired his first coach at the age of twelve. This experience taught him the value of seeking mentorship, a principle that carried forward into his professional life.

“I realized I could only go so far by myself, so I needed a coach,” he recounts. This early lesson of seeking support and mentorship shaped his approach to continuous learning and improvement.

The Dance of Collaboration: Lessons from Playing Together

Gerald draws parallels between playing music and working in a business environment, emphasizing the importance of listening. “Just the art of listening is critical in business,” he notes. Musicians learn to listen, understand, and blend their contributions to create a harmonious performance.

“As a CEO, my job is to surrender and lead by example, providing the support everyone needs,” Gerald states. These principles of collaboration and support were instilled in him during his musical journey and are now integral to his leadership philosophy.

How to Find a Mentor: Gerald’s Advice

In response to Evan’s query about finding a mentor, Gerald shares his personal approach. He emphasizes the importance of seeking mentors with a track record of success in areas aligned with one’s goals. Even if you haven’t met them personally, mentors can influence and guide through their works, be it books, online programs, or workshops.

Connecting with Gerald

For those intrigued by Gerald’s insights and keen to explore more, you can connect with him on LinkedIn or visit the Productivity Intelligence Institute website for valuable resources, including downloadable materials on goal setting and project management.

Parting Wisdom: The Pomodoro Technique

As a parting tip, Gerald encourages adopting the Pomodoro Technique—working in short intervals with breaks in between. This technique enhances productivity and allows the mind to refresh, resulting in more focused and efficient work.

2024-01-29T17:34:37-05:00February 7, 2024|
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