The Symphony of Choices in Business and Life with Gerald Leonard

Welcome to another captivating edition of Training Unleashed. We extend our gratitude to our sponsors, C-suite TV and C-suite Radio, as without them, this show wouldn’t be possible. Today, we’re thrilled to have an extraordinary guest, Gerald Leonard, the CEO of Turnberry Premier. He’s not just your typical CEO; he’s a musician with a fascinating story that intertwines the world of music with the realm of business.

What Does Music Have to Do with Business?

Evan poses a question that sets the tone for the discussion: “Gerald, what does music have to do with business?” Gerald responds with a profound connection between his musical journey, starting at the age of ten, and the valuable lessons he’s applied throughout his career.

“As a musician, you have to practice to get better,” Gerald explains. “You have to practice to learn your instrument and master that skill.” Drawing parallels to the business world, he emphasizes the importance of CEOs focusing on and mastering the essential skills required for their roles.

The Art of Learning and Seeking Guidance

Reflecting on his early years, Gerald shares a pivotal lesson from his childhood. Recognizing his limitations and the need for guidance, he hired his first coach at the age of twelve. This experience taught him the value of seeking mentorship, a principle that carried forward into his professional life.

“I realized I could only go so far by myself, so I needed a coach,” he recounts. This early lesson of seeking support and mentorship shaped his approach to continuous learning and improvement.

The Dance of Collaboration: Lessons from Playing Together

Gerald draws parallels between playing music and working in a business environment, emphasizing the importance of listening. “Just the art of listening is critical in business,” he notes. Musicians learn to listen, understand, and blend their contributions to create a harmonious performance.

“As a CEO, my job is to surrender and lead by example, providing the support everyone needs,” Gerald states. These principles of collaboration and support were instilled in him during his musical journey and are now integral to his leadership philosophy.

How to Find a Mentor: Gerald’s Advice

In response to Evan’s query about finding a mentor, Gerald shares his personal approach. He emphasizes the importance of seeking mentors with a track record of success in areas aligned with one’s goals. Even if you haven’t met them personally, mentors can influence and guide through their works, be it books, online programs, or workshops.

Connecting with Gerald

For those intrigued by Gerald’s insights and keen to explore more, you can connect with him on LinkedIn or visit the Productivity Intelligence Institute website for valuable resources, including downloadable materials on goal setting and project management.

Parting Wisdom: The Pomodoro Technique

As a parting tip, Gerald encourages adopting the Pomodoro Technique—working in short intervals with breaks in between. This technique enhances productivity and allows the mind to refresh, resulting in more focused and efficient work.

2024-01-29T17:34:37-05:00February 7, 2024|

Mastering the Art of Leadership: A Conversation with Chad Brown

Chad is an Associate Partner at Take New Ground and the host of The Naked Leadership Podcast with the founding partners of TNG (Take New Ground). In this episode, Evan takes a deep dive into the world of leadership with our special guest, Chad Brown. With a wealth of experience and insights, Chad is here to share his perspectives on what it takes to be an exceptional leader.

Defining Leadership

At the heart of this episode is Chad’s definition of leadership – an art form that involves inspiring and empowering others. Drawing from his diverse background and extensive leadership roles, Chad sets the stage for a conversation that goes beyond conventional leadership norms. Evan delves into the qualities that make a great leader, exploring authenticity, empathy, and adaptability with Chad. According to Chad, titles and authority don’t define leadership; instead, it’s about influence, service, and creating a culture of collaboration. The discussion serves as a guide for both emerging and experienced leaders, offering insights into what truly matters in leadership.

Navigating Challenges: Lessons from Chad’s Journey:

One of the most engaging parts of the episode is when Chad shares a significant leadership challenge he faced – leading a team through a major organizational change. The transparency, resilience, and adaptability required during this period provided invaluable lessons that every leader can learn from.

Advice for Aspiring Leaders:

For our aspiring leaders, Chad offers practical advice based on his journey. Continuous learning, embracing challenges, and being open to feedback are key components that Chad believes can contribute to a fulfilling and successful leadership journey.

About Our Guest

Chad Brown is a leadership engagement expert. He coaches executives and entrepreneurs in the art and science of leadership for themselves, their teams, and clients to create new, unprecedented results and experience fulfillment in their work. He thrives in extreme environments and finds comfort in difficult conversations. Over the last 5 years, Chad has trained and developed leaders at globally recognized brands like Lulu Lemon, and Ironclad Document Services along with many burgeoning start-ups.

2024-03-21T13:53:32-04:00January 24, 2024|
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