Mastering the Art of Leadership: A Conversation with Chad Brown

Chad is an Associate Partner at Take New Ground and the host of The Naked Leadership Podcast with the founding partners of TNG (Take New Ground). In this episode, Evan takes a deep dive into the world of leadership with our special guest, Chad Brown. With a wealth of experience and insights, Chad is here to share his perspectives on what it takes to be an exceptional leader.

Defining Leadership

At the heart of this episode is Chad’s definition of leadership – an art form that involves inspiring and empowering others. Drawing from his diverse background and extensive leadership roles, Chad sets the stage for a conversation that goes beyond conventional leadership norms. Evan delves into the qualities that make a great leader, exploring authenticity, empathy, and adaptability with Chad. According to Chad, titles and authority don’t define leadership; instead, it’s about influence, service, and creating a culture of collaboration. The discussion serves as a guide for both emerging and experienced leaders, offering insights into what truly matters in leadership.

Navigating Challenges: Lessons from Chad’s Journey:

One of the most engaging parts of the episode is when Chad shares a significant leadership challenge he faced – leading a team through a major organizational change. The transparency, resilience, and adaptability required during this period provided invaluable lessons that every leader can learn from.

Advice for Aspiring Leaders:

For our aspiring leaders, Chad offers practical advice based on his journey. Continuous learning, embracing challenges, and being open to feedback are key components that Chad believes can contribute to a fulfilling and successful leadership journey.

About Our Guest

Chad Brown is a leadership engagement expert. He coaches executives and entrepreneurs in the art and science of leadership for themselves, their teams, and clients to create new, unprecedented results and experience fulfillment in their work. He thrives in extreme environments and finds comfort in difficult conversations. Over the last 5 years, Chad has trained and developed leaders at globally recognized brands like Lulu Lemon, and Ironclad Document Services along with many burgeoning start-ups.

2024-03-21T13:53:32-04:00January 24, 2024|

Unlocking the power of purpose with Mark Mears

Mark Mears is the founder and Chief Growth Officer at Leaf Growth Ventures LLC, a consulting firm that helps companies focus on strategic planning and execution. Mark is also author of the new book The Purposeful Growth Revolution: 4 Ways to Grow from Leader to Legacy Builder.

In a recent Training Unleashed Podcast with host Evan Hackel, Mark talked about using the power of purpose to revitalize your company and unlock new levels of success.

Mark believes that successful businesses are purpose-driven. But his insights go deeper than that. “Companies should understand that employees or team members do not want to just be an employee ID number. They want to feel like they’re part of the process, that they’re making a difference, that they’re connected to something that’s bigger than just pulling a shift, clocking in and out and getting paid every other week. They don’t want that anymore. They have put up with it for years – we all have.”

He continues, “And so, the great repurposing has given us a pause for employers to look and say, `Let’s look at this pragmatically. We’ve all heard that our people are the most important and valuable resource on our balance sheet or, `Our people make the difference.’ But how can we make those words more than just an empty set of platitudes? We’ve got to put the meat on the bones. We’ve got to say, okay, how are our people the most important? How can we listen more deeply than we’ve listened before to really understand what and who is most important in their lives?… We’ve got to get this right. And that’s why I call it the Purposeful Growth Revolution, because not only is it circular, but there is this uprising in the people, and we must recognize that they’re mad as hell. They’re not going to take it anymore.”

Make sure you listen to the entire episode to hear more about unlocking the power of purpose in your organization.

A Special Offer

Visit and sign up to receive free chapters from Mark’s book The Purposeful Growth Revolution: 4 Ways to Grow from Leader to Legacy Builder.

About Our Guests

Mark Mears is Chief Growth Officer at Leaf Growth Ventures LLC, a consulting firm that helps companies focus on strategic planning and execution. Mark is also author of the new book The Purposeful Growth Revolution: 4 Ways to Grow from Leader to Legacy Builder.

During his 30+ year career serving in a variety of executive marketing and leadership positions – spanning both agencies and brands – he has gained a unique and well-rounded perspective working for or with GROWTH brands such as PepsiCo/Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Frito-Lay, JCPenney, NBC/Universal and The Cheesecake Factory among many others. His personal experiences, along with Best Practice observations of others he admires, led him to develop L.E.A.F. – a proven model to help maximize the full GROWTH potential of Individuals, Teams and Brands — founded upon 4 ‘revolutionary’ and purposeful processes: L.eadership, E.ngagement, A.ccountability & F.ulfillment. L.E.A.F. Growth Ventures can help achieve your stated GROWTH goals – whether you desire to grow an emerging brand, or reignite growth in a mature brand.

2022-08-23T11:22:49-04:00August 23, 2022|

Building your company’s wellness with Tarin Calmeyer

Because the health of your company is built on the wellness of every person who works with you, employee wellness programs are one of the smartest investments you can make.

But what kind of employee wellness programs work best? Which offer your company the biggest ROI? And how do you engage your employees to take part in them?

In a recent Training Unleashed podcast, our host Evan Hackel asked Tarin Calmeyer those questions and more. Tarin is CEO of Remote Team Wellness, a company that develops and delivers wellness programs for variety of successful companies.

According to Tarin, the benefits of implementing a wellness program in your company are endless. “Obviously, healthier employees are more productive. They work harder. They are happier to do the work that they’re engaged in and more motivated.”

Tarin provides some great, simple and effective steps you can follow to start building wellness into your company’s daily behaviors. “It’s a matter of inspiring people to [build wellness into their day,] while they are working, in the best way they can.” Tarin continued, “because having another thing to add to your plate and learn to do is just stressful at this moment in time.”

If you are committed to building a top-performing company, we know you will want to spend time watching this motivating – and very different – episode of Training Unleashed.

A Special Offer

Tarin would like you, a member of our Training Unleased community, to engage in a short meditation she created for starting every day with focus and energy. You can find it at

“It is a short meditation that can be used to create space, focus, and clarity in your mornings – or anywhere throughout the day,” Tarin Says. “But I really love using this practice in the morning because it is a breathing practice. It’s a great way to check in with yourself and your body just as you’re starting your day.”

About Our Guests

Tarin Calmeyer is CEO of Remote Team Wellness, a corporate wellness company that focuses on developing and delivering remote wellness programs for companies. By blending technology with leading teachers, Remote Team Wellness promotes organizational wellness by fostering team building. The results include reduced workplace stress and healthier workplace environments.

Prior to founding Remote Team Wellness, Tarin was a leading international coach specializing in yoga, meditation, and overall wellness. She has collaborated with forward-thinking companies that value and prioritize the wellness of their workplace. And she has taught thousands of people around the world to implement simple, mindful techniques that result in monumental lifestyle changes. Find out more about how virtual wellness can benefit your team at

2022-08-16T13:28:26-04:00August 16, 2022|

Mastering the art of change leadership with Nancy Murphy

Evan Hackel recently sat down with organizational change consultant Nancy Murphy to discuss a topic that is on everyone’s mind these days: How can effective leaders bring about change in their organizations during these remarkably challenging times?

Nancy, Founder and CEO of CSR Communications, is a trainer, speaker, advisor, and mentor with a passion for teaching leaders of established organizations how to make change stick.

According to Nancy, the key to making change stick is by shifting our approach from managing people to leading people.

“Let’s stop talking about managing change because that implies that change is something that is predictable, controllable, linear, and logical . . . that you’re in certain stages for predictable periods of time and that if you have the right checklists, everything is going to be easy. As I said earlier, organizations are made up of people and people are messy, emotional humans. And especially when it comes to change, there are emotional triggers that make it hard. So, we can’t manage people. We can manage things, but we can’t manage people. We need to lead people.

“And so, the first mistake organizations make is to approach change as a purely scientific process, as though it’s a predictable, linear, manageable thing. Implementation of change might have some of those checklists, but we really need the change leadership first.”

If you are leading your organization through a process of change, you will want to listen to the entire episode of Training Unleashed with Nancy Murphy.

A Special Offer

Nancy invites you to access the free publications and resources you will find on the CSR Communications resource page. In our view, they are terrific!

About Our Guests

Nancy Murphy is Chief Executive Officer of CSR Communications. She is an entrepreneur, former intrapreneur, trainer, speaker, advisor, and mentor helping mission-driven organizations and socially conscious businesses achieve their next big initiative to rapidly expand their impact.

“I founded CSR Communications to help organizations move beyond grand gestures and bold statements, to organizational change that sticks,” Nancy says. “I’ve spent my career saying what others are afraid to – and learning to say it in ways that others will listen. From challenging stereotypes of girls in my Catholic school more than 30 years ago, to my first job after college convincing nonprofits to engage youth volunteers, or my role as board chair of a global nonprofit transforming the way we do international development, I’ve experienced the challenges of leading big change within established organizations. I’ve learned lots of lessons, developed techniques that work — and I’m willing to share them with others. I’ve worked with global nonprofits, foundations, Fortune 100 companies, local governments, and federal agencies.”

2022-08-04T12:46:09-04:00August 4, 2022|
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