Unleashing Unlimited Worth: Overcoming Trauma and Achieving Success with Mike Skrypnek

In this episode of Training Unleashed, host Evan Hackel sits down with Mike Skrypnek, a transformational business coach, author, and founder of the Unlimited Worth Project. Mike shares his personal journey of overcoming trauma, the importance of addressing mental health issues even when feeling successful, and how these experiences have shaped his approach to coaching and leadership. The conversation delves into the impact of unresolved trauma on leadership, the significance of addressing mental health proactively, and the services Mike offers through his Unlimited Worth Project.

Key Discussion Points:
Mike’s Journey and Overcoming Trauma:
  • Mike shares his background and how he was shaped by childhood traumas and the need to prove his worth: “I had a great foundation, but I was still missing something.”
  • He discusses the repetitive nature of stressors and how unresolved trauma affects mental health and success: “When I realized that it was gonna deal with me one way or the other if I didn’t deal with it, I really started to wonder, why didn’t I do this sooner.”
  • Mike emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health issues when feeling good, rather than waiting for a crisis.

    “If we can tackle these things when we’re feeling decent, we can enter into a healthy process of improving our mental health.”
The Unlimited Worth Project:
      • Mike introduces the Unlimited Worth Project, which evolved from his previous initiative, Grow Get Give Coaching: “It’s morphed into something I call the Unlimited Worth Project.”
      • The project aims to connect past experiences and current behaviors, helping leaders fill gaps and elevate their performance: “The Unlimited Worth Project is exactly that – connecting the dots between what happened to us and what we’re repeating.”
      • Mike works with male leaders, CEOs, and leadership teams to identify and address these gaps in a straightforward and comfortable manner: “In a plain-spoken way that makes people comfortable and gives them clear and understandable viable pathways to success.”
Services Offered by Mike Skrypnek:
      • Mike offers keynote speaking, workshops, and one-on-one coaching for senior leadership teams and individuals: “I’ll come in and do keynotes, workshops with senior leadership teams, and one-on-one coaching with senior leadership people.”
      • He invests time in discovery conversations, offering a generous 28-minute free consultation to explore potential benefits and ways to work together: “I give of myself. And I’m doing that through this program in particular. 28 minutes of my time to investigate through a discovery conversation.”
      • Interested individuals can reach out to Mike via his website, LinkedIn, or email for more information and to take advantage of his offer: “Go to my website, LinkedIn, or email me at [email protected].”
Unlimited Worth Book:
      • Mike recommends his book “Unlimited Worth” as a must-read, which details his personal journey and the connection between healing and achieving a fulfilling life:
        “It has to be ‘Unlimited Worth’… my most recent book, written and published in 2022.”
      • The book provides insights into becoming whole by addressing and overcoming past trauma: “It describes my journey and the connection I made to what happened to me on one side of healing, and then the other side, the better side, of becoming whole.”

Key Takeaway:

  • Mike’s primary tip for the audience is to recognize that everything is connected: “It’s all connected, and it will be connected until we take action to unconnect or disconnect it.”
  • He encourages leaders to take proactive steps to break these connections and improve their overall well-being and performance: “What happened to us will happen to us continually until we deal with it.”
About Our Guest

Mike Skrypnek is an international bestseller of nine books, a keynote speaker, leadership coach, podcast host, and sought-after business strategist who has shared his insights and wisdom with thousands of passionate purpose-driven industry leaders. Mike is the CEO of Grow GET Give Coaching, Founder of the UNLimited WORTH Project & Chair of the UNLimited WORTH Wellness Society. Mike lives, loves, and adventures with his wife, Sherri, and their two young adult children, Madison, and Coen, in the beautiful Sea-to-Sky corridor of British Columbia, Canada. You can find them skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, paddling and more in the mountains, on the rivers and ocean just minutes from home, in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

How to Connect with Mike Skrypnek:
Additional Media:

2024-07-10T10:58:04-04:00July 10, 2024|

Unleashing the Power of Leadership: Insights from Michelle Beauchamp

In a recent enlightening episode, host Evan Hackel sat down with Michelle Beauchamp, an expert in leadership and corporate training, to delve into the essence of effective leadership and organizational culture. The discussion revolved around several key principles that are crucial for fostering a thriving, inclusive, and productive workplace.

The Importance of Culture in Leadership

Michelle Beauchamp emphasized that leadership is not just about guiding others but about cultivating a culture that aligns with the core values of compassion, competence, and character. These elements are fundamental to building a team that not only follows a leader but works alongside them, creating a collaborative and trusting environment. Michelle pointed out that:

  • Compassion: Leaders must show genuine care for their team members. This involves understanding their needs, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Competence: Continuous training and development are crucial. Leaders should invest in their team’s skills and provide opportunities for growth.
  • Character: Trust is built when leaders follow through on their promises and maintain integrity in their actions.

Generational Diversity and Unified Collaboration

One of the standout points in the conversation was the acknowledgment of generational differences in the workplace. Michelle highlighted the need for leaders to recognize and respect these differences, fostering a culture of collaboration that leverages the unique strengths and values of each generation. This approach not only unifies teams but also drives innovation and adaptability.

Assessment and Gap Analysis for Cultural Alignment

Evan Hackel and Michelle Beauchamp discussed the process of evaluating and realigning organizational culture. This involves:

  1. Assessing the current culture and values within the organization.
  2. Identifying the desired cultural values that will support the company’s goals.
  3. Conducting a gap analysis to find discrepancies between the current and desired states.
  4. Implementing training programs to bridge these gaps and, if necessary, rehiring to align with the new cultural direction.

Training as a Profit Center

A significant insight shared by Michelle was the concept of viewing training as a profit center rather than just an investment. Effective training programs can improve performance metrics, such as close rates in sales or error rates in manufacturing, leading directly to increased profitability. This perspective shifts the narrative from training being a cost to being a revenue-generating activity.

One-on-One Coaching vs. Mastermind Groups

Michelle differentiated between the benefits of one-on-one coaching and mastermind groups:

  • One-on-One Coaching: Provides personalized attention, allowing individuals to address their specific challenges confidentially and in detail.
  • Mastermind Groups: Offer a collaborative environment where like-minded individuals can share experiences, brainstorm solutions, and gain a sense of community and support.

The Champ Group’s Approach

Michelle Beauchamp’s company, The Champ Group, specializes in leadership training, diversity, equity, inclusion, and communication. They focus on ongoing training rather than one-time workshops, ensuring that the principles taught are integrated into everyday practices. The Champ Group provides various services, including workshops, corporate training, mastermind groups, and one-on-one coaching.

For those interested in assessing their leadership style, Michelle offers a free leadership quiz available on The Champ Group’s website. This tool provides valuable insights into personal leadership strengths and areas for growth, fostering self-awareness and continuous improvement.

Stretching Out of the Comfort Zone

Michelle concluded with a powerful tip: stretch out of your comfort zone. Growth and relearning require stepping beyond familiar boundaries. By embracing discomfort and continuously striving for improvement, leaders can significantly impact their organizations and drive meaningful change.

About Our Guest

Michelle’s passion is, quite simply, helping people grow. Her motto, “Unleash Your Inner Champ,” is evident in her client relationship rapport, vast course curriculum, design structure, and delivery method.

Michelle is a certified coach, speaker, and trainer on the John Maxwell team. Michelle’s 25 years in Corporate America as a Sales Leader in Telecommunications, combined with her 12 + years as an entrepreneur, has equipped her to help others explore their strengths, improve areas of weakness and through a journey of inner discovery, create and lead inclusive cultures that enrich relationships and increase productivity.

2024-05-31T00:49:24-04:00June 5, 2024|

Unleashing the Power of Training in Marketing: Navigating the Future with AI with Ford Saeks

In today’s rapidly evolving world, where staying ahead of the curve is essential for personal and professional growth, we find ourselves at the intersection of marketing, training, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). In this captivating conversation between seasoned experts Ford Saeks and Evan Hackel, we explore how effective training can elevate marketing efforts, drive organizational success, and navigate the transformative landscape shaped by AI.

The Foundation of Effective Training

As our discussion unfolds, Ford Saeks, a Hall of Fame speaker and serial entrepreneur with a wealth of experience spanning various industries, emphasizes the foundational importance of training. Drawing from personal experience, he underscores that training is not merely a one-time event but an ongoing process. “Training isn’t something you did. It’s something you do,” he asserts, emphasizing the continuous nature of learning and development.

Aligning Communication for Optimal Results

In the fast-paced world of marketing, effective communication is key. Our guest emphasizes the significance of aligning messaging with market needs and preferences. Whether it’s internal communication with staff or external communication with customers, the message must resonate to elicit the desired response.

The Customer-Centric Approach

Reflecting on a memorable marketing mishap, our guest underscores the importance of viewing business through the lens of the customer. Sharing an anecdote from a presentation to community bankers, he emphasizes the need to deliver on the promised value proposition. “You really need to look at your business model and your communications through the eyes of the customer,” he advises, stressing the importance of understanding and meeting customer expectations.

Embracing the Future with AI

Building upon the foundation laid by effective training, Evan Hackel, in his conversation with Ford Saeks, delves into the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various aspects of society. Both speakers emphasize the importance of continuous learning in navigating the complexities of today’s world, urging individuals and organizations to embrace AI and understand its potential.

Practical Training for Tangible Results

The discussion further explores the value of practical, actionable insights in training sessions. From keynotes to webinars, the goal is to deliver content that resonates with the audience and leaves a lasting impact. Both speakers stress the significance of effective training delivery, tailored to the needs of the audience. Keeping participants engaged is key to maximizing the impact of training sessions.

Marketing Benefits vs. Features

Finally, the conversation touches upon the importance of marketing benefits over features. This results-driven approach ensures that clients understand the value proposition and are more likely to invest in growth opportunities.

In conclusion, our exploration of training and marketing reveals a symbiotic relationship that fuels business growth, fosters customer engagement, and embraces the transformative potential of AI. By unlocking the power of effective training and embracing emerging technologies, individuals and organizations can navigate the future with confidence, innovation, and growth.

About Our Guest

Ford Saeks is more than a hall of fame keynote speaker, he’s a research-based thought leader. An engine. An expert. An idea man and marketing machine. He helps businesses not by talking at them about success, but by talking them through the steps to get there.

He invites all listeners to stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving landscape, with a special mention of Ford’s AI training webinar: https://profitrichresults.com/ai-training a must for anyone looking to harness the power of AI.

2024-04-03T10:26:25-04:00April 3, 2024|
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