Unleashing Unlimited Worth: Overcoming Trauma and Achieving Success with Mike Skrypnek

In this episode of Training Unleashed, host Evan Hackel sits down with Mike Skrypnek, a transformational business coach, author, and founder of the Unlimited Worth Project. Mike shares his personal journey of overcoming trauma, the importance of addressing mental health issues even when feeling successful, and how these experiences have shaped his approach to coaching and leadership. The conversation delves into the impact of unresolved trauma on leadership, the significance of addressing mental health proactively, and the services Mike offers through his Unlimited Worth Project.

Key Discussion Points:
Mike’s Journey and Overcoming Trauma:
  • Mike shares his background and how he was shaped by childhood traumas and the need to prove his worth: “I had a great foundation, but I was still missing something.”
  • He discusses the repetitive nature of stressors and how unresolved trauma affects mental health and success: “When I realized that it was gonna deal with me one way or the other if I didn’t deal with it, I really started to wonder, why didn’t I do this sooner.”
  • Mike emphasizes the importance of addressing mental health issues when feeling good, rather than waiting for a crisis.

    “If we can tackle these things when we’re feeling decent, we can enter into a healthy process of improving our mental health.”
The Unlimited Worth Project:
      • Mike introduces the Unlimited Worth Project, which evolved from his previous initiative, Grow Get Give Coaching: “It’s morphed into something I call the Unlimited Worth Project.”
      • The project aims to connect past experiences and current behaviors, helping leaders fill gaps and elevate their performance: “The Unlimited Worth Project is exactly that – connecting the dots between what happened to us and what we’re repeating.”
      • Mike works with male leaders, CEOs, and leadership teams to identify and address these gaps in a straightforward and comfortable manner: “In a plain-spoken way that makes people comfortable and gives them clear and understandable viable pathways to success.”
Services Offered by Mike Skrypnek:
      • Mike offers keynote speaking, workshops, and one-on-one coaching for senior leadership teams and individuals: “I’ll come in and do keynotes, workshops with senior leadership teams, and one-on-one coaching with senior leadership people.”
      • He invests time in discovery conversations, offering a generous 28-minute free consultation to explore potential benefits and ways to work together: “I give of myself. And I’m doing that through this program in particular. 28 minutes of my time to investigate through a discovery conversation.”
      • Interested individuals can reach out to Mike via his website, LinkedIn, or email for more information and to take advantage of his offer: “Go to my website, LinkedIn, or email me at [email protected].”
Unlimited Worth Book:
      • Mike recommends his book “Unlimited Worth” as a must-read, which details his personal journey and the connection between healing and achieving a fulfilling life:
        “It has to be ‘Unlimited Worth’… my most recent book, written and published in 2022.”
      • The book provides insights into becoming whole by addressing and overcoming past trauma: “It describes my journey and the connection I made to what happened to me on one side of healing, and then the other side, the better side, of becoming whole.”

Key Takeaway:

  • Mike’s primary tip for the audience is to recognize that everything is connected: “It’s all connected, and it will be connected until we take action to unconnect or disconnect it.”
  • He encourages leaders to take proactive steps to break these connections and improve their overall well-being and performance: “What happened to us will happen to us continually until we deal with it.”
About Our Guest

Mike Skrypnek is an international bestseller of nine books, a keynote speaker, leadership coach, podcast host, and sought-after business strategist who has shared his insights and wisdom with thousands of passionate purpose-driven industry leaders. Mike is the CEO of Grow GET Give Coaching, Founder of the UNLimited WORTH Project & Chair of the UNLimited WORTH Wellness Society. Mike lives, loves, and adventures with his wife, Sherri, and their two young adult children, Madison, and Coen, in the beautiful Sea-to-Sky corridor of British Columbia, Canada. You can find them skiing, snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, paddling and more in the mountains, on the rivers and ocean just minutes from home, in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

How to Connect with Mike Skrypnek:
Additional Media:

2024-07-10T10:58:04-04:00July 10, 2024|

Unleashing Customer-Centric Growth: Wisdom Shared by Laura Patterson

Laura Patterson, the founder of Vision Edge Marketing, shared invaluable insights on achieving sustainable business growth through customer-centric strategies. Hosted by Evan Hackel, the podcast delved deep into how businesses can effectively navigate growth challenges by leveraging data-driven decision-making and fostering a customer-first approach.

Embracing a Customer-Centric Approach

In today’s dynamic business landscape, success hinges on understanding and prioritizing the needs of the customer. Laura Patterson emphasizes the critical importance of adopting a customer-centric approach to business growth. According to Laura, integrating the customer perspective into every decision-making process—from product development to marketing strategies—can significantly enhance business outcomes. By putting the customer at the center, organizations not only improve customer satisfaction but also drive sustainable growth over the long term.

The Power of Data-Driven Decision Making

Laura Patterson highlights the transformative impact of data-driven decision-making on organizational success. With businesses inundated with vast amounts of data, Laura advocates for leveraging analytics and insights to drive strategic initiatives effectively. By harnessing the power of data, organizations can gain actionable insights into customer behaviors, market trends, and operational efficiencies. This approach enables businesses to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and seize growth opportunities with confidence.

Building a Strategic Framework for Growth

Drawing from her extensive experience, Laura Patterson underscores the importance of building a strategic framework to navigate the complexities of growth. At Vision Edge Marketing, Laura and her team empower organizations to develop clear, measurable objectives aligned with overarching business goals. This strategic framework not only guides day-to-day operations but also ensures that every action contributes to tangible business outcomes. By establishing a roadmap for growth, businesses can optimize resources, foster innovation, and achieve sustainable success in competitive markets.

About the Guest

Laura Patterson is the visionary founder of Vision Edge Marketing, a renowned firm specializing in marketing performance measurement and management. With over 25 years of experience, Laura has earned a reputation as a pioneer in helping businesses across diverse sectors—from technology to healthcare—achieve measurable growth through strategic planning and analytics. Her expertise lies in bridging the gap between business strategy and execution, empowering organizations to align their goals with customer needs effectively.

Visit The Learning Network to explore more episodes and visit insights on leadership and organizational development. For updates and more valuable content, follow the Learning Network on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Training Unleashed Network on YouTube for video episodes and interviews with industry leaders.

2024-06-20T18:45:46-04:00July 3, 2024|

Unleashing Transformative Leadership: Insights from Sue Bingham

In the latest episode of the Training Unleashed podcast, hosted by Evan Hackel, we had the pleasure of hearing from Sue Bingham, founder of HPWP Group. Sue shared invaluable insights into the world of leadership development and training, shedding light on her approach to transforming workplace cultures and empowering leaders.

The Philosophy of HPWP

HPWP stands for High Performance Workplace, a philosophy that Sue and her team have been championing for over 25 years. Their mission is to help organizations create environments where trust, respect, and positive assumptions about people drive performance and engagement. Sue emphasizes that most people are inherently good and, when treated with trust and respect, will reciprocate those values in their work.

Transformative Leadership Training

Sue’s approach to leadership training is both innovative and deeply human. HPWP Group’s flagship program is designed to be highly experiential, filled with stories, exercises, and experiences that genuinely transform participants. Sue recounted instances where initially resistant managers, attending reluctantly, left with profound insights and sometimes even tears of gratitude, wishing they had learned these principles earlier in their careers.

Real Impact Beyond the Workplace

One of the most striking aspects of Sue’s training is its impact beyond the workplace. Participants often report that the principles they learn improve their personal relationships, including those with their spouses and children. This holistic impact underscores the importance of positive leadership and human-centric training in all areas of life.

Unique Offerings and Collaboration

Sue highlighted two key offerings from HPWP Group:

  1. In-House Workshops: These are tailored specifically for individual companies, ensuring all leaders within the organization can benefit from the training.
  2. Open Leadership Workshops: These sessions bring together leaders from different organizations, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and solutions. This collaborative environment allows participants to learn from each other’s challenges and successes.
Training Made Simple

In a generous offer to the podcast audience, Sue introduced “Training Made Simple,” a virtual program designed for those responsible for training within their organizations but who may lack formal training in this area. This program guides participants through a structured process to develop effective training programs, incorporating collaboration and feedback to enhance the learning experience.

How to Access the Free Training Program

Sue is offering “Training Made Simple” for free to listeners of the Training Unleashed podcast. To take advantage of this opportunity, simply email Sue at [email protected]. While HPWP Group’s website, www.hpwpgroup.com, is undergoing updates, you can still find valuable information and contact details there.

A Powerful Closing Tip

Sue’s parting advice to the audience was profound: “Believe that the vast majority of people are good people. Operate off of positive assumptions more than negative assumptions. Positive assumptions will drive us to treat people with trust, and thus receive trust in return.” Evan Hackel echoed this sentiment, adding his personal philosophy of leading with love, which he finds foundational to building trust and fostering positive relationships.

About Our Guest

For more than 30 years, Sue, a former Human Resources Executive, has provided direction to companies in the transportation & logistics, pharmaceutical, aerospace, food, bottling, floral, optical, textile and medical device industries.

She has worked closely with company leaders to analyze their organizations and facilitate the implementation of common-sense systems that have a positive impact on the organization’s bottom line. She is an expert at effectively using culture to form a common language across global operations leading to greater collaboration, higher levels of team member satisfaction and increased business unit cooperation.

Her passion is helping companies embrace and transition to high-performance work environments.

2024-06-07T13:30:58-04:00June 12, 2024|

Unleashing Trust in Leadership with Dr. Mike Armour

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the importance of trust in leadership cannot be overstated. As organizations strive for success, the relationship between leaders and their teams plays a crucial role. Dr. Mike Armour, a seasoned expert in leadership development, shared invaluable insights on trust, coaching, and organizational culture in a recent conversation with Evan Hackel. Let’s delve into the key takeaways from this enlightening discussion and explore how trust can be built and maintained within an organization.

The Essence of Trust in Leadership

Trust is the cornerstone of effective leadership. Dr. Armour emphasizes that building and maintaining trust requires consistent effort and dedication. He quotes Warren Buffett, who famously said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 10 minutes to wreck it.” This highlights the fragility of trust and the importance of nurturing it daily.

Dr. Armour explains that every interaction within an organization is akin to a sales call, where individuals continually resell themselves to colleagues and stakeholders. This ongoing process is crucial in establishing and reinforcing trust. Leaders must be aware of their actions and words, ensuring they consistently reflect reliability and integrity.

From Coaching to Mentoring: Developing Leaders Internally

One of the significant aspects of Dr. Armour’s work involves helping organizations develop internal mentoring programs. By fostering a culture where experienced leaders coach and mentor emerging talents, companies can build robust leadership pipelines. This approach not only enhances individual growth but also strengthens the organization’s overall resilience.

Dr. Armour’s book, “Developing Leaders Who Coach,” provides a comprehensive guide for organizations aiming to cultivate a coaching culture. The book distinguishes between coaching, mentoring, consulting, and training, offering practical advice on fostering a supportive environment where leaders can thrive.

Identifying Trust Issues: The Role of Anxiety and Fear

A critical insight from Dr. Armour’s discussion is the link between trust and the levels of anxiety and fear within an organization. High levels of anxiety and fear often indicate that trust is in disrepair. This connection is rooted in our neurological wiring, where the presence of fear can inhibit the brain’s ability to trust.

To gauge the state of trust in an organization, leaders should observe the general atmosphere and emotional climate. Reducing anxiety and fear through transparent communication, consistent actions, and empathetic leadership can significantly enhance trust levels.

About Our Guest

For over 30 years Dr. Mike Armour has helped leaders and executives perfect their professional skills, attain peak performance, and discover new dimensions of satisfaction and fulfillment. A successful author in leadership and other fields, Mike is currently published in over two dozen languages. His writing and coaching are marked by an astute understanding of personal behavior, organizational dynamics, and the process of cultural change.

For those interested in diving deeper into these concepts, Dr. Armour offers a free eBook, “Developing Leaders Who Coach,” which provides actionable insights and practical strategies. To receive a copy, simply email [email protected] with the subject line “Free Coaching Book.”

2024-05-30T22:17:04-04:00May 30, 2024|

Unleashing the Future of Learning: Exploring Extended Reality (XR) with Richard Adair

In a recent enlightening podcast conversation, we had the pleasure of speaking with Richard from the Learning Network, uncovering the dynamic landscape of Extended Reality (XR) technologies and their profound impact on learning and development. From fire extinguisher training to electric vehicle instruction, XR isn’t just revolutionizing industries; it’s reshaping the way we perceive and engage with learning.

Embracing the Reality: XR Technologies Today

Gone are the days of XR being confined to the realm of science fiction. Richard emphasized that XR is not merely a vision of the future; it’s a present-day reality. With XR technologies becoming increasingly accessible and affordable, organizations are leveraging them to drive tangible business outcomes. The conversation highlighted how XR is democratizing training, offering immersive experiences that transcend traditional learning methodologies.

From Fire Extinguishers to Electric Vehicles: Real-world Applications of XR

The podcast illuminated a myriad of real-world applications for XR technologies. From optimizing fire extinguisher training to enhancing electric vehicle technician instruction, XR is proving to be a game-changer across diverse sectors. By creating engaging and interactive simulations, organizations are not only improving learning outcomes but also driving cost savings and enhancing safety standards.

Unleashing Learning Potential with Performance XR Analytics

One of the most intriguing topics discussed was the potential of Performance XR Analytics. By harnessing data collected from XR experiences, organizations can gain invaluable insights into training effectiveness, user behavior, and ergonomic efficiency. This data-driven approach enables adaptive learning strategies, enhances curriculum design, and maximizes training outcomes, ushering in a new era of personalized learning experiences.

About Our Guest

Richard is a visionary leader with extensive experience in the learning and development industry. As the driving force behind The Learning Network, Richard brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. With a passion for leveraging cutting-edge technology to revolutionize training methods, Richard has spearheaded initiatives in XR technology, transforming how organizations approach learning. His forward-thinking approach and dedication to excellence have earned him recognition as a trailblazer in the field. Join us as Richard shares insights, strategies, and success stories in this insightful podcast episode.

2024-05-15T10:54:59-04:00May 15, 2024|

Unleashing the Power of LinkedIn: Insights from Carol Kaemmerer

Join us on an insightful journey with Carol Kaemmerer, a seasoned marketing communications professional turned LinkedIn expert, as she shares her wealth of knowledge on leveraging LinkedIn for professional growth. In this episode, Carol delves into the intricacies of crafting a compelling LinkedIn profile, building authentic relationships, and harnessing the full potential of the platform.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Professional Growth

In this digital age, professionals across various industries are constantly seeking avenues for personal and career development. One platform that has emerged as a powerful tool for networking, learning, and career advancement is LinkedIn. But how can individuals truly harness the potential of LinkedIn beyond merely showcasing their resumes? Carol Kaemmerer delves into the intricacies of using LinkedIn as a strategic resource, emphasizing the importance of building meaningful connections and cultivating a strong online presence.

Crafting a Compelling LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile serves as your digital business card, making a lasting impression on potential employers, clients, and collaborators. Carol Kaemmerer shares invaluable insights into crafting a compelling LinkedIn profile that stands out amidst the sea of professionals. From optimizing your profile picture to crafting a captivating headline and leveraging the power of your banner image, Carol’s expertise shines through as she guides individuals on maximizing their profile’s impact.

Building Authentic Relationships on LinkedIn

Beyond mere connections, the true essence of LinkedIn lies in fostering genuine relationships that can lead to professional growth and opportunities. Carol Kaemmerer emphasizes the importance of authenticity and engagement in building meaningful connections on the platform. By sharing practical tips and strategies, she empowers individuals to move beyond transactional networking and cultivate authentic relationships that can propel their careers forward.

About Our Guest

Carol Kaemmerer is a seasoned marketing communications professional who transitioned into becoming a leading expert on LinkedIn. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Carol brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Her journey into becoming a LinkedIn expert was unexpected but transformative, leading her to carve out a niche in helping individuals and businesses optimize their presence on the platform.

You can also check head over to our YouTube channel to watch Carol’s full episode  or you can check out previous episode and gain even more valuable insights to advance your career!

2024-04-24T12:08:50-04:00April 24, 2024|

Unleashing the Power of Training in Marketing: Navigating the Future with AI with Ford Saeks

In today’s rapidly evolving world, where staying ahead of the curve is essential for personal and professional growth, we find ourselves at the intersection of marketing, training, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI). In this captivating conversation between seasoned experts Ford Saeks and Evan Hackel, we explore how effective training can elevate marketing efforts, drive organizational success, and navigate the transformative landscape shaped by AI.

The Foundation of Effective Training

As our discussion unfolds, Ford Saeks, a Hall of Fame speaker and serial entrepreneur with a wealth of experience spanning various industries, emphasizes the foundational importance of training. Drawing from personal experience, he underscores that training is not merely a one-time event but an ongoing process. “Training isn’t something you did. It’s something you do,” he asserts, emphasizing the continuous nature of learning and development.

Aligning Communication for Optimal Results

In the fast-paced world of marketing, effective communication is key. Our guest emphasizes the significance of aligning messaging with market needs and preferences. Whether it’s internal communication with staff or external communication with customers, the message must resonate to elicit the desired response.

The Customer-Centric Approach

Reflecting on a memorable marketing mishap, our guest underscores the importance of viewing business through the lens of the customer. Sharing an anecdote from a presentation to community bankers, he emphasizes the need to deliver on the promised value proposition. “You really need to look at your business model and your communications through the eyes of the customer,” he advises, stressing the importance of understanding and meeting customer expectations.

Embracing the Future with AI

Building upon the foundation laid by effective training, Evan Hackel, in his conversation with Ford Saeks, delves into the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various aspects of society. Both speakers emphasize the importance of continuous learning in navigating the complexities of today’s world, urging individuals and organizations to embrace AI and understand its potential.

Practical Training for Tangible Results

The discussion further explores the value of practical, actionable insights in training sessions. From keynotes to webinars, the goal is to deliver content that resonates with the audience and leaves a lasting impact. Both speakers stress the significance of effective training delivery, tailored to the needs of the audience. Keeping participants engaged is key to maximizing the impact of training sessions.

Marketing Benefits vs. Features

Finally, the conversation touches upon the importance of marketing benefits over features. This results-driven approach ensures that clients understand the value proposition and are more likely to invest in growth opportunities.

In conclusion, our exploration of training and marketing reveals a symbiotic relationship that fuels business growth, fosters customer engagement, and embraces the transformative potential of AI. By unlocking the power of effective training and embracing emerging technologies, individuals and organizations can navigate the future with confidence, innovation, and growth.

About Our Guest

Ford Saeks is more than a hall of fame keynote speaker, he’s a research-based thought leader. An engine. An expert. An idea man and marketing machine. He helps businesses not by talking at them about success, but by talking them through the steps to get there.

He invites all listeners to stay ahead in today’s rapidly evolving landscape, with a special mention of Ford’s AI training webinar: https://profitrichresults.com/ai-training a must for anyone looking to harness the power of AI.

2024-04-03T10:26:25-04:00April 3, 2024|

Unlocking Success in Remote Staffing: Insights from CEO Rob Buffington

His name is Rob Buffington. He is the CEO of Gordian Staffing and an expert in various domains. In today’s discussion, we’ll delve into the nuances of remote staffing, training, and organizational structure.

Challenges of Training Remote Staff

In the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace, remote staffing has become a pivotal aspect of business operations. Rob kicks things off by addressing a crucial question that many training professionals grapple with: How do you effectively train remote staff and get them up to speed?

Rob shares his insights, acknowledging the inherent challenges of training individuals who aren’t physically present. “Out of sight, out of mind” is a common pitfall, but Rob emphasizes the importance of allocating time upfront to ensure a smooth onboarding process. He dispels the notion of training as a plug-and-play scenario, emphasizing the human element involved.

One of the keys to successful remote training, according to Rob, is pivoting from traditional apprenticeship models. Instead of relying on a mentor physically guiding a new employee, companies need to create comprehensive scripts, outlines, and particularly videos. Rob recommends advanced preparation, ideally weeks or months ahead of the start date.

Standardization and Consistency: Building a Healthy Company Culture

Rob delves into the necessity of adapting to a structured pedagogical approach to foster consistency in company processes. He draws parallels with historical apprenticeship models, emphasizing the need for a methodical, proactive training strategy. The gradual implementation of such an approach contributes to the standardization of operations, fostering a healthier and more predictable company culture.

Drawing from his experience, Rob underlines the importance of standardizing procedures, leading to greater consistency in output. He highlights how this approach, over time, can transform a company into a more standardized and efficient entity, comparable to the success of franchises driven by their commitment to consistency.

Navigating Remote and In-Person Dynamics in Meetings

Moving into the realm of team collaboration, the discussion turns to the challenges of conducting meetings involving both remote and in-person attendees. Rob shares his perspective, recommending a unified approach that treats all employees as part of one cohesive team. He suggests avoiding separate meetings unless absolutely necessary, promoting a sense of unity among team members, regardless of physical location.

Slicing the Gordian Knot of Staffing Challenges

The analogy of “slicing the Gordian knot” serves as a metaphor for approaching old problems with new and decisive solutions. Rob’s insights have shed light on the importance of adaptability, standardization, and effective communication in fostering a successful remote workforce.

About Our Guest

Rob Buffington, CEO of Gordian, is a leading expert in remote staffing and organizational efficiency. With a focus on training and managing remote teams, Rob is dedicated to transforming traditional practices and ensuring employees are equipped for success.

As a seasoned professional, Rob brings a wealth of experience to the table, particularly in helping small to medium-sized businesses optimize their workforce. His commitment to efficiency and innovation is inspired by historical lessons, such as the tale of Alexander the Great and the Gordian Knot.

To connect with Rob Buffington and take advantage of the free consulting offer, visit Gordian Staffing or reach out to him on LinkedIn.

2024-01-29T17:37:04-05:00February 28, 2024|

Navigating the Future of Learning: Insights from Vena Sterling

This episode features a thought-provoking conversation with Vena Sterling, a prominent figure from the Leadership Research Institute. We delve into the future of learning, leadership, and the importance of an entrepreneurial mindset in today’s corporate landscape.

Understanding the Present: The Future of Learning Today

In this episode, Vena Sterling shares her insights into the current state of learning and work. According to Vena, we’re in a state of perpetual change, and returning to the way things were before is not an option. The workforce is divided between those who thrive in remote work and those eager to return to the office. Leaders face the challenge of navigating this diversity and deciding on a clear direction for their organizations. Whether it’s fully virtual, in-person, or a hybrid model, the key is making a conscious decision and communicating the “why” behind it.

Taking a Stand: Companies’ Approach to Hybrid Working

Vena emphasizes the importance of companies “picking a side” when it comes to their approach—be it fully virtual, in-person, or hybrid. Making a clear choice and communicating the “why” behind it is crucial for fostering alignment and reducing ambiguity. While not everyone may agree, clarity prevents inconsistencies and fosters a sense of purpose within the organization.

Work-Life Integration Challenges: Maintaining a Healthy Balance

The continuous integration of work into personal lives poses challenges, and Vena emphasizes the need to be mindful of this dynamic. Establishing boundaries and promoting psychological safety within teams is crucial. Leaders play a significant role in creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their needs, and organizations need to actively support well-being initiatives. Vena addresses the challenges of overworking and the increasing integration of work into personal lives. Establishing boundaries and recognizing the value of flexibility, whether in a remote or in-person setting, is vital. Vena advises individuals to master their calendars, starting with personal priorities, to create a balance between work and personal life.

Connecting with Vena Sterling and a Special Offer

The Leadership Research Institute, or LRI, has been serving clients for over 40 years, specializing in leadership development and research. Vena primarily works with women leaders and entrepreneurs, providing assessments and transformative experiences. Listeners can connect with her through the Leadership Research Institute website, www.leadershipresearchinstitute.com, or on LinkedIn, where she regularly shares insights and engages in discussions on leadership and learning.

As a special offer for Training Unleashed listeners, Vena has graciously provided a discount code for any leadership assessments. Simply use the code “TRAININGUNLEASHED” at checkout on the Leadership Research Institute website to unlock this exclusive offer.

About Our Guest

Vena Sterling is a respected figure in the field of leadership development and research. With a wealth of experience spanning over several decades, Vena has been a driving force behind the success of the Leadership Research Institute (LRI). Specializing in leadership development and research, Vena primarily works with women leaders and entrepreneurs, providing assessments and transformative experiences. Her expertise lies in guiding individuals and organizations towards effective leadership strategies, fostering growth and innovation.

2024-01-29T17:33:41-05:00January 31, 2024|
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