Breaking Through Business Plateaus with Sean M Doyle

Sean M. Doyle, Principal at FitzMartin Inc, stands as a beacon of innovation. With over 25 years of experience and 5,000+ client engagements, Sean has honed a sales-first, scientific approach to drive revenue and create lasting value for B2B companies. As an author, speaker, and advisor, he’s on a mission to redefine how small-business executives perceive marketing, aiming to empower them to sell more effectively to their most profitable customers.

Why Businesses Plateau

Sean breaks down the marketing challenges businesses face as they grow. In the early stages, businesses may rely on basic marketing approaches, but as they surpass 25 FTEs, complexities arise. Communication barriers become prominent, and by the time a business exceeds 50 FTEs, the focus shifts to growth strategies and shaping marketing to inform overall strategy.

Communication and Collaboration

A crucial aspect discussed is the need for effective communication and collaboration between sales, marketing, and executive teams. Sean highlights the importance of the training function as the glue that holds these departments together. Identifying barriers and making concise adjustments in sales and marketing can lead to significant growth.

Overcoming Marketing Fears

The conversation shifts to Evan’s book and the fears executives often have about marketing. Sean provides valuable insights into hiring for marketing roles and suggests that fear often stems from a lack of comfort and expertise. He introduces a framework and a set of questions that executives can use to navigate the hiring process.

About Our Guest

Sean M. Doyle is a leading consultancy focused on sales marketing and management, sales and marketing technology services, and revenue operations for B2B companies. Sean and his team at FitzMartin are focused on long term value creation through a sales-first, scientific approach to driving revenue.

Explore a world of inspiration and expertise at Sean Doyle’s online hubs. Visit Sean for insightful musings on marketing  and beyond and dive into the realm of  the science and art of growing revenue. 

2023-11-22T11:00:33-05:00November 22, 2023|

New realities of post-Covid training with Hilmon Sorey

Hilmon Sorey is an author, keynote speaker and . . . incredibly . . . a man who has trained more than 15,000 people and 5,000 senior executives around the world. He is also Co-Founder of ClozeLoop, a consulting firm based in New York, Houston, Silicon Valley, and Johannesburg.

Hilmon has written eight top-selling books, including 46 Reasons Why Your Cold Calls Fail. . . and How to Fix Them Fast.

You will want to listen to this empowering discussion between Hilmon and Evan Hackel, the host of Training Unleashed. But before you do, please read these excerpts from their conversation . . .

Hilmon on What Is New in Training

In only five years, Hilmon’s training company ClozeLoop has gone from being a startup to one of the most watched training development companies in the world. So what is new in the world of training? Hilmon is in a position to know.

“There is so little being done right now in the area of advancing training,” Hilmon told Evan. One of the obstacles is that many people are still working remotely from home, which has made it difficult for companies to deliver uniformly high-level, high-quality training to large groups of employees.

“So the bottom-line thing here is technology,” he summarizes. “Technology has become the force that catalyzes training in the broad respect, because you need technology to train people who are distributed across the organization.”

Hire the Right People Before You Train Them

“A lot of folks begin to construct the training they need only after they have hired the person who needs to be trained,” Hilmon told Evan. “Instead, they need to step back ahead of time and use what we call a competency matrix to hire the right people. That might mean saying, `I understand I have three roles to fill that might be critical: for the distribution of my product; the sale of my product; and the ongoing development of my product going forward.’”

And then you hire the right people because you have defined the competencies you need them to have.

“Then I can actually imbue these people with information that results in significant performance gains,” Hilmon notes, “but a lot of people don’t take this step before they hire.”

Overcoming Resistance to Cold Calling

Hilmon pointed out many salespeople hate to make cold calls, for many reasons. Some of them feel that cold calling is “beneath them.” Others say they will do it but make it a very low priority and avoid it.

Remember, Hilton wrote the book 46 Reasons Why Your Cold Calls Fail. . . and How to Fix Them Fast, and you will want to hear what he has to say about cold calling in this Training Unleashed podcast.

A Special Offer

Hilmon is offering a free trial version of his coaching/training platform COACH/CRM to members of the Training Unleashed Podcast community. As part of your free trial, you will also receive a complimentary free session with a member of the COACH/CRM staff. Sign up here.

About Our Guest

Hilmon Sorey is Co-Founder of CoachCRM sales coaching software for managers. He has coached and consulted high performing teams in companies that range from early-stage startups to Salesforce, Box, SurveyMonkey,, and some of the fastest-growing companies in the world totaling over $600B in valuation and market cap.

He is also Co-Founder of ClozeLoop, a management consulting firm based in New York, Houston, Silicon Valley, and Johannesburg. He is Partner in 2.12 Angels, a seed-stage venture capital firm.

Hilmon has written eight top-selling books on sales, sales management, and coaching.

2023-02-27T10:48:42-05:00February 27, 2023|

Using sales training to improve results with Jeremy Miner


When you improve sales training, you improve your bottom line. But what kind of changes should you make, and what results can you expect? Host Evan Hackel sits down with Jeremy Miner, sales training expert and CEO of 7th Level, to explore these questions and more in this episode of the Training Unleashed podcast.

Continuous Training

Jeremy asks, “Is training something that you did, or is it something that you do?”

Please take a moment to think about that question. Jeremy is telling us that if you want to sell more, you need to do sales training continually. Top athletes and sports teams don’t only train when they’re young or just starting out. They train every day. And if you want your organization to succeed, you need to do that too.

One Big Hidden Impediment to Selling More Today

Post-pandemic, your customers are more cautious and skeptical about making the wrong buying decisions. Your salespeople need to address that fear.

There is More Clutter to Cut Through than Ever Before

Checking email, for many people, is the first thing they do in the morning—even before they get out of bed or walk down the hall. When they drive to work, they hear ads on the radio and drive past billboards. And at the end of the day before they go to bed, they look at Facebook and other social platforms.

If you can’t find a way to cut through all that clutter and deliver your sales message, you are simply not going to sell more.

Sales Training Needs to Be Virtual

Jeremy points out that kids do not learn to ride bicycles by attending seminars. They learn to ride bikes by riding bikes! In a similar way, if sales professionals are selling virtually, then sales training needs to be virtual and based on real-world experiences of selling to people.

Jeremy told Evan, “If you want to continually hone your skills and actually learn how to apply them, you want to continually hone those skills in virtual sales training every single day.”

Why the First Few Seconds of a Sales Call Are Critically Important

Jeremy says that if a salesperson is only fixated on making a commission, that salesperson develops what he calls “salesperson’s breath,” which can be smelled 100 feet away. And when prospects are confronted with a salesperson who has entered that state, they immediately go into a fight or flight state and cannot be sold to.

Curiously, this can happen when salespeople become too excited about their products. Today, are we learning that if you don’t want to scare your prospects away, you need a calmer approach in which you come across as calmer and more unbiased.

Jeremy’s Tip to the Training Unleashed Audience

At the end of every episode of Training Unleashed, Evan asks his guest to offer one tip to members of the audience. Jeremy’s tip for us:

“Every time you are selling something, you are selling change. And you do that not by telling people anything, but by asking questions that allow them to tell themselves what that change will be. You need to show them that making that change is safer than staying in the status quo. If they stay in the status quo the problems stay the same.”

About Our Guest

Jeremy Miner is the Chairman of 7th Level, a Global Sales Training company that was ranked #1,232 of the fastest growing companies in the United States by INC magazine’s list of the top 5000 companies in 2021. He is also a contributor for INC magazine and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur magazine, and a host of other publications.

“The single most effective way to sell anything to anyone in 2021, is to be a problem finder and a problem solver… NOT a product pusher.”

For Jeremy Miner, the embodiment of this philosophy has made him one of the

wealthiest sales professionals on the planet. During his 17 year sales career, Jeremy was recognized by the Direct Selling Association as the 45th highest earning producer, out of more than 100 million salespeople – selling anything, worldwide! His earnings as a commission-only salesperson were in the multiple 7-figures, EVERY year.

Jeremy’s unique brand of sales training pioneers the use of behavioral science and human psychology, reflective of his deep studies in the subject from Utah Valley University.

Jeremy is the host of the podcast, Closers are Losers, and his new book, The New Model of Selling: Selling to an Unsellable Generation – co-authored by Jerry Acuff – CEO of Delta Point, is being published Fall of 2022.

2022-11-04T13:50:10-04:00November 4, 2022|

Developing your personal superpowers with John Reid and Corena Chase

In this episode of Training Unleashed, Evan speaks with John Reid and Corena Chase, two of the team of consultant/trainers who wrote the new book The Five Lost Superpowers: Why We Lose Them and How to Get Them, recently published by LionCrest Publishing.

John and Corena believe that when we were children, we all possessed extraordinary superpowers. Then while we were growing up, we were told and taught to dampen them. But John and Corena believe we still have these powers. They are always there below the surface, waiting to help us achieve our fullest human potential.

The five lost powers are . . .

  • Curiosity
  • Resilience
  • Authenticity
  • Compassion
  • Playfulness

Listen to the entire episode as Evan, John and Corena explore the five life-changing superpowers, and how we can reignite them to unlock our best selves and change our lives for the better.

A Special Offer

John and Corena would like to send a copy of their new book The Five Lost Superpowers: Why We Lose Them and How to Get Them to the first 20 listeners who email John at [email protected] to ask for a copy.

About Our Guests

John Reid is Founder, President and lead designer of JMReid Group, a global behavior change organization specializing in leadership, development, sales effectiveness and skill enhancement. John is unique in the training development space, having spent much of his career within industry.

After John survived three bouts of cancer, he decided to pursue his passion for learning and development. John pursued this passion with a belief that people could get better and wanted to get better, but it was often the manner of which traditional training is designed and delivered that made this desire for growth difficult.

As the lead designer for JMReid Group, John shifts the design emphasis from models and intellectual property to a learning experience that is relevant to the learner’s real world, taps into participants’ wisdom and is engaging and sustainable.

Corena Chase designs and delivers customized courses at JMReid Group to facilitate organizational change and learning, and to help senior and developing leaders maximize their ability to influence and inspire colleagues and clients.

As a facilitator Corena focuses on creating awareness, challenge and support through experiential learning among peers. As an executive coach, she tailors tools to individual strengths and needs. Corena works in an array of industries including financial services, professional services and entertainment. Her clients include some of Fortune Magazine’s 100 most admired companies, who are committed to creating innovative opportunities to help their employees thrive.

In her previous career as an actor, Corena’s job was to use the study of human behavior, communication and emotional intelligence to walk in other people’s shoes and make sure their views were convincingly conveyed to audiences. As a facilitator and coach her job is to make sure your views are convincingly conveyed to the audience of stakeholders, clients and colleagues that you need to influence and motivate on a daily basis.

2022-07-18T09:47:37-04:00July 18, 2022|

Critical selling skills with Bill Farquharson

In this episode of Training Unleashed, our host Evan Hackel sat down with one of the most respected sales consultants today – Bill Farquharson. Yet as you will learn in this post today, Bill is about much more than selling. He has a far-ranging philosophy that can bring success in every part of your life.

Known for his energetic and entertaining presentations about improving sales and selling, Bill is a 40-year print sales veteran. He believes that every interaction through your day can be viewed – and improved – if you think of it as a sales situation. If you are stopped by a traffic officer, that can be viewed from a sales context. The same goes for times when you are negotiating with your children, buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks, and even when you are walking your dog. In the interview, Bill goes on to explain how he viewed recovering from the pandemic as a sales problem.

Bill was highly influenced by the classic book How to Win Friends and Influence People, written by Dale Carnegie. You probably won’t be surprised to learn that Bill views it as a sales book!

Be sure to listen to the end of the episode to hear Bill’s time management tips.

The Sales Vault with Bill Farquharson

The Sales Vault with Bill Farquharson contains a variety of resources that he has created for better selling. It includes videos, expert written advisories, and more.

About Our Guest

Bill Farquharson is a sales coach, author of many books, and a presenter who has more than 40 years of experience in the graphic arts. Bill is a respected industry expert and a speaker known for his energetic and entertaining presentations.

To learn more about Bill and The Sales Vault, be sure to visit

2022-07-12T12:22:49-04:00July 12, 2022|

Don’t Let Your Sales People Destroy Your Brand and Bottom Line with Chad Sanderson

This week Evan Hackel speaks with Award-Winning Sales, Marketing, & Business Strategy Consultant, Chad Sanderson. Chad is also the host of The B2B Revenue Executive Experience Podcast. In this episode Evan and Chad discuss: training your team for better execution, evaluating the process of hiring, how buyer expectations have changed, asking the right sales questions and more. Click HERE for your free e-books. Click HERE to contact Chad.

2019-08-13T13:59:16-04:00August 13, 2019|
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